TOP 5 Yoga Asana and Lower Back Pain relief

By Sadhak Anshit Yoga Foundation
15th July, 2018

A widespread disorder, it is also one of the most overlooked disorder as well. Most people experience lower back pain at some point of time in their lives. Around 40% of total population suffer from back pain, it is said that 7 out of every 10 people have lower-back pain or discomfort. It is a common disorder involving the muscles, nerves and bones of the back.

Most common cause of pain in the lower spinal column is due to faulty posture (due to long hours of sitting in front of the computer or slouching on the couch watching T.V), stress, inadequate exercise or improperly lifting up of heavy objects. Lower back pain is more common among homemakers and women.

“Prevention is better than cure” the very essence of Yoga. Lower back pain can be easily avoided and eliminated by instilling few simple Yoga Asana or poses on a daily basis that help to keep the lower back pain in check and improve spine health.

{NOTE: Always check with your Physician or Yoga Instructor/Teacher before you start practising any Yoga poses or asanas}


Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose) – This asana helps upward stretching of the spine. This helps in relieving the compression of the cartilages of the spine and stretching of the skeletal muscles. Yoga Asana for beginners watch the video


Paschimottasana – Helps to stretch the whole spine forward and helps to open up the lower back, hamstrings and hips.


Konasana (Angle Pose) - This helps the sideward stretching and lateral decompression of the spinal cord. Yoga Asana for beginners watch the video


Ardha Matsyendrasana- Twisting action of this particular asana helps strengthen abs and obliques and energizes the spine.


Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) - Just like the hood of an alert cobra, this yoga pose helps backward stretching of the spine improves flexibility. Yoga Asana for beginners watch the video


Tips to avoid lower back pain

Maintain good posture– It is important to maintain correct back posture, sit and stand in an upright position.


Strengthening Core Muscles– Toning and strengthening the core abdominal muscles helps to reduce the strain on lower back muscles.


Improve flexibility– TOP 5 Yoga Asana listed helps to reduce the tension and tightness in the back muscles.

Yoga pose or Exercises lay special emphasis on the spinal column which is taken good care of by vertical, lateral, anterior, posterior and torsional stretches. Daily practice of asanas will help improve spine health and mobility range.


Correct the way you sleep– Sleep deprivation and insomnia aggravates the back pain. Therefore, it is important to have restorative sleep through meditative and relaxation techniques.

Nispandabhava and Shavasana are of special value that helps the cause of deep relaxation and sleep.

Empower yourselves and enjoy the wholesome, holistic health benefits and try these effective yoga asanas today!


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