Parivrrta Trikonasana Benefits, Steps and Precautions - Sadhak Anshit

By Sadhak Anshit Yoga Foundation
28th December, 2019

Parivrrta Trikonasana: Benefits, Steps and Precautions

Parivrrta Trikonasana, which gives flexibility to your shoulders and back muscles. It opens up your chest and also relieves your back pain. It is a counter pose to the Trikonasana (Triangle pose). 

Its name Parivrrta Trikonasana originates from the language Sanskrit. Parivrtta means To turn around or revolve, Trikona means Triangle, and Asana means Pose. It is also known as the Revolved Triangle pose.

Benefits of Parivrrta Trikonasana

Parivrrta Trikonasana is known for its many health benefits. So let’s know them all in brief. The Benefits of Parivrrta Trikonasana are:

Stretches your spine, legs, and hips 

Makes your shoulders flexible

Improves your sense of balance

Relieves mild back pain

Opens up your chest; improves your breathing

Helps in losing belly fat

It also stretches your groin, ankles, thorax, shoulders, and thighs

Tones your buttock muscles

Strengthens your legs and arms

Improves digestion

Releases laziness and stress

Stimulates the abdominal organs

Relieves stiffness in your lower back

Makes your hip joints flexible

Steps of Parivrrta Trikonasana

Always practice yoga poses step-by-step. So the steps of Parivrrta Trikonasana are:

Step I

Stand straight, in Mountain pose. Now take a deep breath then spread your feet at least 3-4 feet apart.

Step II

Raise your arms and keep them parallel to the floor. Keep your palms facing downwards.

Step III

Now turn your right foot outwards at 90°. Then turn your left foot 60° inwards.

Step IV

Keep your legs straight. Now twist your whole body to the right and then downwards but without changing your legs position.

Step V

While you twist your body, your left hand will be downwards. Touch the ground/yoga mat with your left hands’ fingers, and keep your right hand outwards, toward the ceiling.

Step VI

Now gaze at the ceiling or your right hands’ fingers. Then hold this pose for 10-20 seconds.

Step VII

Then lower your right hand, and raise your body & left hand back to upwards to come to the starting position.

Precautions to take while practicing Parivrrta Trikonasana

Take the following precautions before and while you practice Parivrrta Trikonasana : 

Pregnant women should not practice this pose.

People with high blood pressure should not look upward, and should not raise their arm while practicing Parivrrta Trikonasana.

Those who have diarrhea, migraine, low blood pressure, insomnia or headache should avoid this asana.


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