By Sadhak Anshit Yoga Foundation
19th June, 2021

If you’re looking for a fun Crow Pose variation that will strengthen your upper body, light up your core, and challenge your balance, you’ll want to check out Funky Flying Crow (also known as Stag Dolphin, or a variation of Single-Leg Crow Pose on your forearm).

Funky Flying Crow Pose is like a fun mashup of Crow, Dolphin Pose, and Tripod Headstand. You might even find it easier to balance yourself with one forearm on the mat compared to Crow Pose. But don’t take our word for it — you’ll want to try this one yourself.

Before attempting Funky Flying Crow, make sure you’re adequately warmed up with a few Sun Salutations and some core work on the mat to build heat and activate your muscles. You’ll also want to practice poses like Down Dog and Single-Leg Down Dog, Dolphin Pose, and Forearm Stand. If full Forearm Stand isn’t in your practice yet, you can try it facing away from the wall with one foot against it and one leg up in the air.

Try Funky Flying Crow with this step-by-step pose tutorial from Sadhak Anshit Yoga YouTube Channel.


• Begin in Tabletop Pose. Place your left forearm down and place your right hand down, your right fingertips in line with your left elbow. 

• Relax your neck and lift your knees off the floor, coming into Dolphin Pose. 

• If you feel solid in your balance, bring your right knee into your right underarm so only your left foot is on the floor. 

• See if you can lift your left leg up to the ceiling. Keep your lower belly in to stay light. 


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