The crane is an Asian symbol for happiness, youthfulness and longevity. Bakasana has two levels – Basic and Advanced.
Step 1 – Dandasana – Sit on the floor with your legs together and extended in front of your torso. Imagine your spine as the “staff” at the vertical core of your torso, rooted firmly in the Earth, the support and pivot of all you do.
Breathing – Normal Breathing
Step 2 – Fold your two legs and sit on the floor.
Breathing – Normal Breathing
Step 3 – Keep both the hands near the knees, Knees should support the underarm, keep balancing on both the legs & toes and give pressure to the palms.
Breathing – Inhale
Step 4 – With Exhalation, slowly lift one leg. After balancing lift the other leg as well.
Breathing – Exhale
Remain in the posture for 30 to 60 seconds.
Duration: 30 to 60 seconds on each posture based on the comfort level. It should be normal breathing when in the Posture.
Step 1 – Sirsasana – Sit in kneeling pose. Bend forward and place the hands on the floor with fingers intertwined. Place the head firmly on the intertwined fingers. Move forward and lift your buttocks, apply pressure on the hands and lift the legs. Lift your legs up and make it aligned along with the rest of the body. The whole body will be perfectly vertical at this stage. The body weight rests entirely on the hands and partly the head.
Breathing – Inhale
Step 2 – Slowly bring down both the knees underarm.
Breathing – Exhale
Step 3 – Slowly lift the head by applying pressure on the palms.
Breathing – Inhale and Exhale
Remain in the posture for 30 to 60 seconds.
30 to 60 seconds on each posture based on the comfort level. It should be normal breathing when in the Posture.
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