Time Management in today’s world…Yoga is the answerGet more is the success mantra of today’s generation. Time can be measure hence can be managed. Thus time management in today’s world using useful yoga techniques are a must try to reap in maximum benefits-Reduce Stress & Anxiety – Plan your day aheadThis requires a good memory. Yoga offers Pranayamas and reflection techniques that will help you to breathe easy and remember more. (For beginners try pen and paper method to plan your day ahead...
The Pincha Mayurasana is a forearm stand and is also called the Feathered Peacock Pose. Just like a peacock that spans its feathers out, this asana is a beautiful, showy pose, which needs both skill and patience to perfect.The forearm stand makes you more stable than the handstand because of the larger foundation that the forearms give. The prerequisites, however, are strength and openness, and those can be quite challenging. Take your time to ease out into this pose, no matter how long it takes...
How To Do The Supta Virasana To start off, you must assume the Virasana. •Kneel on the floor. Make sure your knees are placed directly under your hips. Let your hands rest on your knees. •Bring your knees closer to each other so that your feet automatically widen. They should be wider than the width of your hips. •Firmly press the tops of your feet on the floor. •Gently lower your hips, such that your find yourself sitting on the mat. Roll the calves away, and ensure you...
So, you are confused about the two types of yoga? And you want to pursue a course for yoga teacher training in India or somewhere else? Well! Then you don’t have to worry about it.Hatha YogaHatha, meaning forceful or willful, also means sun moon that represents the opposites of femininity/muscularity, winter/summers, day/ nights etc. Hatha yoga is a form that was formed in fifteenth century and is considered to be the oldest form of yoga. Hatha yoga is comparatively a small paced and gentl...
If you ask someone ‘What is Yoga’? The answers can vary from a set of physical exercises, a spiritual practice, to a perfect body and mind workout, etc. Looking at a few yoga pictures and watching online yoga tutorials is not enough to understand yoga completely. One can not know the true meaning of yoga until they themselves do it. Yoga is not just about twisting or bending the body to achieve flexibility and weight loss. Yoga is much more than you think of.Derived from the Sanskrit word “...
Yoga Asanas– the physical body movements and one of the core elements of traditional discipline of yoga are the techniques to maintain the health and wellness of the body-mind and also the means of inner unfoldment. With a close attention to the alignment and interlinking of breath with the yoga postures, the poses act as a vehicle to awaken the Kundalini, help us walk on the path of self-discovery, and unite us with our authentic Self.Chakrasana (Wheel Pose) is a powerful back-bending post...
Many of us have a habit of popping a pill even for the slightest of health issues and when it comes to a headache gulping a tablet is the preferred way for a majority of us. Headaches can approach anytime and be quite tiring. A pounding head can set us back from doing the simplest of chores. Headaches are draining and can be caused due to various reasons- stress, poor diet, dehydration, hangover, or any other underlying ailment.Headaches can bring along a lot of strain and pressure on the back,...
The crane is an Asian symbol for happiness, youthfulness and longevity. Bakasana has two levels – Basic and Advanced.Demonstration Method- steps: Basic LevelStep 1 – Dandasana – Sit on the floor with your legs together and extended in front of your torso. Imagine your spine as the “staff” at the vertical core of your torso, rooted firmly in the Earth, the support and pivot of all you do.Breathing – Normal BreathingStep 2 – Fold you...
Padma HamsasanaThe Name comes from Sanskrit ‘Hamsa = ‘Swan and ‘Asana’ = ‘Posture’.Hamsasana or “Swan Pose” is an asana which resembles a swan when performed. Two swans representing breath and spirit called Ham and Sa appear in the ancient text Saundarya Lahari. Ham is the in breath and Sa is the out. Benefits of Hamsasana range from improved digestion to strengthening of the arms and abdominal muscles.How Does it Help?It stretches the hip jointsIt flexes and strengthens the spine, shoulders, wr...
What is Meditation?An ordinary person may consider meditation as a worship or prayer. But it is not so. Meditation means awareness. Whatever you do with awareness is meditation. “Watching your breath” is meditation; listening to the birds is meditation. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind, it is effective meditation.Meditation is not a technique but a way of life. Meditation means ‘a cessation of the thought process’. It describes a state of consciousness...