How To Do The Parivrtta Trikonasana And What Are Its Benefits - Sadhak Anshit

By Sadhak Anshit Yoga Foundation
16th November, 2019

Parivrtta Trikonasana also known as Revolved Triangle Pose. This asana is basically a counter pose to the Utthita Trikonasana and is definitely more complex. This asana is a combination of a forward bend and a deep twist. It needs a good sense of balance and a sense of openness in order to achieve stability in the pose. This is one of the first standing postures that you will learn when you enroll yourself in a yoga course. It teaches you how to work every part of your body in unison with one another. 

Level: Basic

Style: Hatha Yoga

Duration: 30 Seconds

Repetition: Once on each side

Stretches: Knees, Hips, Shoulders, Thighs, Vertebral column, Thorax, Ankles, Hamstrings, Calves, Groin

Strengthens: Knees, Thighs, Ankles

How To Do The Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

1. Stand erect on your mat, preferably in Tadasana.

2. Then, take a three feet step backward with your right foot, and turn it out at about 25-degrees to the side. Your left toes must point forward. At this stage, your hip point must face the side of the mat. Also, quickly check the alignment of your feet. They must be hip-width apart, with both the heels aligned with each other. The heel and arch must also be aligned.

3. Place your left hand on the waist, and inhale and raise your right hand overhead as you elongate your spine.

4. Firmly root the outside of the back foot, and pull in the lower part of your belly so that your lower back is supported. Exhale and hinge forward at the waist. Make sure your spine is stretched as you reach out with the right arm.

5. Depending on your flexibility and range of motion, allow your right hand to reach for your shin or on the floor outside of your foot. Inhale and continue extending through the crown of the head, making sure your spine is long.

6. Quickly check if the outside of the right foot is firmly rooted in the ground. Then, exhale and rotate to the left. Stretch the left arm towards the sky as you gaze at it.

7. Breathe slowly and deeply as you hold the pose for a few seconds.

8. To exit the pose, look at your left foot, and pull your belly in. Then, inhale and gently rise. Place your hands on your waist and bring your feet together. Repeat the asana on the opposite side.

Precautions And Contraindications

These are a few points of caution you must keep in mind before you do this asana:

If you have a back or spine injury, you must do this asana only under the supervision of an expert. If not, it is best to avoid practicing this asana.

Also, avoid this asana if you have the following conditions:

A. Low blood pressure

B. Migraine

C. Diarrhea


E. Insomnia

Beginner’s Tip

If you assume a narrow stance, this asana becomes easier. Therefore, as a beginner, make it a practice to bring the hand closer to the inner foot.

The Benefits Of The Revolved Triangle Pose 

These are some amazing benefits of Parivrtta Trikonasana:

1. It gives the legs a good stretch and makes them strong. 

2. The hips and the spine get a good stretch.

3. Practicing this asana opens up the chest, and therefore, breathing is improved.

4. Back pain is relieved.

5. The abdominal organs are stimulated and therefore, digestion is improved.

6. Balance, focus, and concentration are improved.

The Science Behind The Parivrtta Trikonasana

There are two different dynamic energies associated with the Revolved Triangle Pose. The first is rooting the legs to the earth, and the second is sending energy upward through the extended arms. This asana is a perfect union of sthira and sukha, or effort and ease. Through this, other opposites like soft and hard, contraction and expansion, descending and ascending, and solar and lunar are also addressed in this asana.

Although this asana seems like a twist, when you reach the floor, you will realize it is more about balancing. But you will feel steady and comfortable if you know how to use your core and leg muscles to support yourself. When you get your alignment right, you will attain flexibility and strength as you balance yourself out energetically as well as physically. Practicing this asana not only makes your mind steady but it also gives you a sense of being free. Then, as one arm reaches the earth, and the other soars towards the sky, you will find stability that will allow you to surrender to the present and the future.


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