Unhealthy digestion can lead to many other ailments and to improve its functioning we all swear upon the probiotics. Indeed probiotics and other supplements are great for the digestive process, but they aren’t the only way to increase its functioning. Practicing yoga helps do all the good to your gut and its proper functioning. Yoga is a really helpful and effective tool that cleanses, detoxifies, and boosts digestive functioning. So, to waive off the problem of indigestion, bloating, gas,...
poses for sciatica
Sciatica is becoming a household problem these days. It is a
preventive condition and mostly occurs due to wrong body postures and sedentary
Sciatica is the longest nerve in the body that stems out
from the spine and travelling down to the back of each leg. When the blood
circulation in the area is reduced, or this nerve is pressed, shooting pain is
felt, making sitting and standing difficult. The pain surges when the person is
योग अभ्यास भारत की एक ऐसी प्राचीन पद्धति है, जोकि शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ा देती है। नियमित रूप और सही तरीके से योग करने पर स्वस्थ तन और सुंदर मन मिलता है। फिट और स्वस्थ रहने के लिए आजकल हेल्थ-क्लब्स, स्कूल्स और हॉस्पिटल्स में भी योग करवाया जाने लगा है लेकिन योग करने से पहले आपको उसके नियमों का पता होना भी बहुत जरूरी है। योग करते समय सावधानियां इस्तेमाल न करने से आपको इसका फायदा होने की बजाए नुकसान भी हो सकता है। आज हम आपको कुछ ऐसे नियमों के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं, जिससे आप योग का पू...
9 Yoga Poses to Boost Fertility in FemalesKnowing being unable to become a mother is heartbreaking. Nothing could be more devastating for a woman willing to have children. But unfortunately, the number of such females have been increasing drastically in the last few years. Seeking the cure, people reach out to medical experts who put them on a long-term prescriptions course. But medications have not proven to be very effective in treating infertility. The process is long, exhausting and financia...
Sciatica is becoming a household problem these days. It is a preventive
condition and mostly occurs due to wrong body postures and sedentary
Sciatica is the longest nerve in the body that stems out from the spine
and travelling down to the back of each leg. When the blood circulation in the
area is reduced, or this nerve is pressed, shooting pain is felt, making
sitting and standing difficult. The pain surges when the person is seated.
Why Outdoor Practice is a Better Yoga Way Indian wisdom is deeply aware that nature/ सृष्टीमाता, has a mind and a spirit of her own. Nature always helps us to remain in the embrace of unity. Universe does not know the separation. Purusha and Prakriti are always one. She certainly knows how to calm our turbulent minds when we trust ourselves into her embrace.Practicing yoga outdoor is a good idea and feels relaxing. Since our bodies are made of the panchmahabhutas the...
This ancient practice is on par with aerobic exercise as one of the best things you can do for mind, body, and spirit.You can do Yoga many places For decades, aerobic exercise—the type that raises your heart and breathing rates, such as running or cycling—has been touted by scientists as the gold standard in terms of the number of health benefits it brings. More energy, improved mood, lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers, better sleep, better thinking, better sex, and on and on. But a...
DescriptionEka Pada Koundinyasana is traditionally entered from tripod headstand, but one can also get into the asana from Parsva Bakasana Get the knee far enough up the triceps of the opposite arm before bending the elbows so that the core is fully engaged and the leg is less likely to slide down, making more work for the arms.BenefitsThe pressure of the legs on the abdomen in this asana massages the abdominal organs. The spinal twist strengthens and rejuvenates the spine. Strengthens...
पृष्ठासन कैसे करे व इसके क्या लाभ है•सीधे खड़े हो जाएँ, दोनों पैरों में डेढ फुट का अंतर रखें, पैरों को समानांतर नहीं रखें, दोनों पैरों की अँगुलियों को थोड़ा बाहर की ओर मोड़ लीजिए।•दोनों हाथों को नितम्ब के नीचे यानी जंघाओं के पिछले भाग पर सटाकर रखें, साँस भरें और साँस छोड़ते हुए घुटनों को थोड़ा मोड़ें, कमर से पीछ झुकते जाएँ और हाथों को नीचे सरकाते जाएँ।•पीछे झुकते हुए अगर आप हाथों को घुटनों के पिछले भाग तक पहुँचा सकें तो बहुत अच्छा है, अभ्यास हो जाने पर आप अपने हाथ टखनों तक पहुँचा सकते हैं।...
Garudasana or Eagle Pose is an asana. Sanskrit: गरुडासनGaruda is the Sanskrit term for eagle. Indian mythology suggests that Garuda was the king of all birds. This bird not only served as the vehicle of Lord Vishnu but was also a frontrunner when it came to fighting against demons. Garuda also means devour. Being an old representation of the mythical phoenix, they say that the Garuda identifies itself with the “all-consuming fire of the sun’s rays”.What You Should Know Before You Do The Asa...