1. Hastottanasana
Hastottanasana is made of three words: hasta, uttana and asana. Hasta means ‘arms’; uttana means ‘stretch up’ and asana means ‘posture’. In this posture, the arms are stretched upwards, hence, it is called Hastottanasana.
Stand erect on the ground, keep both feet together
Slowly inhaling, raise both arms over the head and join your palms
Exhale, release your arms sideways to Samasthithi
Breathing Methodology
Softly inhale while raising your arms up and...
Ear Pressure Pose is a calming advanced pose. In contemporary yoga classes, there is often talk about how to incorporate the philosophical eight limbs of yoga into your asana practice and your life. Karnapidasana is a rare yoga pose that literally does that, illustrating the principle of pratyahara. Pratyahara is described as the withdrawal of the senses, meaning shutting out external stimuli so you can turn your attention inward. You can warm up to Ear Pressure Pose with Plow Pose (Halasana)....
Our digital work culture and fast-paced lifestyle are taking a toll on our general health and wellbeing. The bigger issue is that we do not notice this until it has reached a destructive stage. For instance, our spine and arms, as long as it is functioning well, we do not realise the strain we put it through. Without the spine our entire skeletal system is meaningless and without our arms, we’d feel crippled. Hence is it of utmost importance to take care and further strengthen our spine and to...
Stepping out of the comfort zone has a whole new meaning in winter! The warm blanket, cozy bed and a cup of coffee automatically seem like the right choice than flexes those muscles, right? Wrong! Though the season brings along with it a lot of excuses, it is without a doubt an ideal time when you must step out and get going! We don’t realize but the weather change has a huge impact on our body, not just externally but internally as well.
The low temperature and humidity cause an energy imb...
Gas is a normal part of digestion process. Gas problems can cause serious troubles for you sometimes. Problem of gas can start from a mild stage and can go up to a critical stage. It can often lead to stomach cramps, bloating, heaviness, heartburn, headaches, pain in chest, shoulders, ribs and other body parts. In some serious cases, the sufferer may experience sharp pain in chest, consistent hiccups, vomiting, indigestion etc. People experience a dead appetite during severe gastric problems a...
You may have a life-threatening condition and not know it until it’s fatal especially if you are a woman and that’s why knowing your numbers could save your life. Women are three times more likely to suffer from this silent killer than men.
Hypertension or high blood pressure affects nearly three in ten Indians and is responsible for 17.5% of all deaths and 9.7% of disability-adjusted life years (DALYS) in India, according to data released in 2017. DALYS measure the total disease burden and t...
Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana is a seated forward bend that stretches the back of the body and calms the mind.
The name comes from several Sanskrit words.
Triang, meaning “three limbs”; Mukha, meaning “face”;
Eka, meaning “one”;
Pada, meaning “foot”;
Paschima, meaning “west” or “back of the body”;
Uttana, meaning “intense stretch”; and
Asana, meaning “posture” or “pose.”
From dandasana (staff pose), one leg is folded back at the knee so it rests along the corresponding hip, whi...
Level: Intermediate
Type: Stretch, Forward-Bend, Balance, Strength
Position: Sitting
Duration: 5 Breaths
Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana is one of the most important and advanced asanas in the Ashtanga Primary Series Sequence with a lot of benefits.
A combination out of Paschimottanasana(Seated Forward Bend) and Ubhaya Padangusthasana(Both Big Toe Pose) which is traditionally known to open the svadhisthana(sacral) chakra.
Important to know before you practice Urdhva Mukha Paschimot...
Power yoga is a combination of conventional yoga principles, and modern ideals that embrace physical fitness. To understand where these two forms intersect, you must first understand the primary principles of yoga. Below are three of these principles relevant to your power yoga endeavors.
1. Everyone is unique, as are their strengths and weaknesses. Over yoga’s nearly 5,000 year history, there have been various styles developed to address the capabilities of those who practice it, from medit...
Position : Sitting
Type : Seated forward bend
Spiritual Awareness : Mooladhara and Swadisthan chakra
Physical Awareness : Back, hamstrings, chest, abdomen, shoulders. Extended stretch to the inside of the legs and muscles between the shoulder blades.
Dosha Suitability : Vata and Pita can also benefit
Introducery Asanas : Triyak Bhujangasan, Chakrasan, Matsyasan
How To Do
Sit with both the legs outstretched.
Bend the right leg and place the right foot as high as possible on the...