Sciatica is becoming a household problem these days. It is a preventive
condition and mostly occurs due to wrong body postures and sedentary
Sciatica is the longest nerve in the body that stems out from the spine
and travelling down to the back of each leg. When the blood circulation in the
area is reduced, or this nerve is pressed, shooting pain is felt, making
sitting and standing difficult. The pain surges when the person is seated.
Why Outdoor Practice is a Better Yoga Way Indian wisdom is deeply aware that nature/ सृष्टीमाता, has a mind and a spirit of her own. Nature always helps us to remain in the embrace of unity. Universe does not know the separation. Purusha and Prakriti are always one. She certainly knows how to calm our turbulent minds when we trust ourselves into her embrace.Practicing yoga outdoor is a good idea and feels relaxing. Since our bodies are made of the panchmahabhutas the...
This ancient practice is on par with aerobic exercise as one of the best things you can do for mind, body, and spirit.You can do Yoga many places For decades, aerobic exercise—the type that raises your heart and breathing rates, such as running or cycling—has been touted by scientists as the gold standard in terms of the number of health benefits it brings. More energy, improved mood, lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers, better sleep, better thinking, better sex, and on and on. But a...
Garudasana or Eagle Pose is an asana. Sanskrit: गरुडासनGaruda is the Sanskrit term for eagle. Indian mythology suggests that Garuda was the king of all birds. This bird not only served as the vehicle of Lord Vishnu but was also a frontrunner when it came to fighting against demons. Garuda also means devour. Being an old representation of the mythical phoenix, they say that the Garuda identifies itself with the “all-consuming fire of the sun’s rays”.What You Should Know Before You Do The Asa...
कर्णपीड़ासन :- इस आसन को करने से कान में पीड़ा होती है इसीलिए इसे कर्णपीड़ासन कहते है Steps: पीठ के बल धरती पर लेट जाइए। अपने दोनों पैरों को उठायें और पीछेे की ओर इतना ले जाएँ की दोनों घुटने कानों को छुएं। इस स्थिति में स्थिर रहें। Benefits: इस आसन के निरंतर अभ्यास से मस्तिष्क, गला, नाक, कान, इत्यादि शारीरिक अंगो को लाभ होता है। आँखों की रौशनी बढ़ती है। मोटापा, श्वास से सम्बंधित रोग जैसे दमा, कान के रोग, बवासीर, कब्ज़, रक्त के दोष, इत्यादि रोग दूर होते हैं।&n...
Steps of Shalabhasana (Locust Pose) Method 1Lie down on your Stomach; place both hands underneath the thighs.Breath in (inhale) and lift your right leg up, (your leg should not bend at the knee).Your chin should rest on the ground.Hold this position about ten to twenty seconds.After that exhale and take down your leg in the initial position.Similarly do it with your left leg.Repeat this for five to seven times.After doing it with the left leg, inhale and lift your both legs up (Your legs should...
The next very important level. The graduation level, where the baby passing from standing and walking, now starts running.The advanced Yoga sequences work your body from every angle and challenge you to test your limits in exhilarating advanced asanas. With years of Yoga experience and mastering Basic and intermediate yoga, you are ready to explore new variations and more challenging asanas.The Advanced Program provides optimal conditions for going deep within, quieting our mental chatter,...
Time Management in today’s world…Yoga is the answerGet more is the success mantra of today’s generation. Time can be measure hence can be managed. Thus time management in today’s world using useful yoga techniques are a must try to reap in maximum benefits-Reduce Stress & Anxiety – Plan your day aheadThis requires a good memory. Yoga offers Pranayamas and reflection techniques that will help you to breathe easy and remember more. (For beginners try pen and paper method to plan your day ahead...
The Pincha Mayurasana is a forearm stand and is also called the Feathered Peacock Pose. Just like a peacock that spans its feathers out, this asana is a beautiful, showy pose, which needs both skill and patience to perfect.The forearm stand makes you more stable than the handstand because of the larger foundation that the forearms give. The prerequisites, however, are strength and openness, and those can be quite challenging. Take your time to ease out into this pose, no matter how long it takes...
How To Do The Supta Virasana To start off, you must assume the Virasana. •Kneel on the floor. Make sure your knees are placed directly under your hips. Let your hands rest on your knees. •Bring your knees closer to each other so that your feet automatically widen. They should be wider than the width of your hips. •Firmly press the tops of your feet on the floor. •Gently lower your hips, such that your find yourself sitting on the mat. Roll the calves away, and ensure you...